Thursday, September 20, 2007


There's been so many nice and interesting things said around Sandy at the moment that we thought it would be nice to share some of them with you here.

Little Rick
Sandy "Oh Richard, such a nice kind boy." to Richard (nephew) who then stood over Sandy and gave a great big hug and held her.

Sandy "Oh Maggie can we play play"
Margie "We will always play play, we'll never stop playing"

Sandy "Take it off..."
Donna "take what off?"
Sandy "Your tutu - take your tutu off."

The Book
Every visitor that arrived on Wednesday was instructed to view the Book. Sandy has been working on a pair of scrap books for the grandchildren, it's all but finished and shows many photos of family over the generations and memories for Matthew and Nathan.

What's been nicked!
Late last night Sandy was eager to get out of bed. When asked why she needed to get up she replied "I have to go and walk around the house to see if anything's been stolen!"

If you have any anecdotes or stories about Sandy that you would like to share, please add them to the comments or email David or Sandy and I'll post them up for you.

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